Sunday, May 8, 2011

Day 8 - and Mom's day!!

Happy Mother's Day Mom et All!!!!

Moooom! You're the best and i love and miss you SO MUCH!!!! xoxoxox

Back to Business:
sooo- I just got home from a CRAZY long day and of course, and extra long wait for the train, nothing like it being a 1.5hour commute home when it should take 40mins...  but I digress...

Daily Practice:
Minutes: 45
Songs worked on: The Wizard & I, Astonishing, I Am What I Am, Set Me Free

Today was an AWESOME practice day- and I feel like I did some of the work I've been wanting to do. One thing that I think is helping, is I've been listening to my recordings of recent and past singing lessons while commuting for forever on the train etc. (I wonder if the people sitting beside me can hear anything - wouldn't it be funny if they could, they'd be hearing all this recorded lip-trills and vocal exercises aka 'weird sounds' and thinking I must be really crazy) I do have pretty good noise-cancelling headphones tho- so they prolly don't hear a thing...
     ...again, I digress...
So. Yes, it's been very helpful to listen to recordings of my lessons with Mary Setrakian  (LOVE!) and Carey, etc - good to hear the tips and corrections again and hear what they mean so I can keep applying this as I work on my own in these practice sessions.

So today I did a great warm up and felt like I finally started to pop back up and ring in those upper ranges. I did breathing, lip trills, scales, me meh ma, she saw me... the usual various graduation of exercises. I focused on placement; really keeping the sound forward and to get and keep things ringing in my nasal passages (which r crazy right now with allergies) support, following through and releasing any tension that may be in my jaw or neck etc - also blending the soprano/belt sound on the extreme high notes (high E, F, G) I even ran around the room a bit and did push ups - I actually felt a lot more connected after I did this...and some cartwheels haha

Song wise - I continued the same work with focuses in the warm-up. I sang Astonishing in several different keys and also bumped it up a tone to finish the last big-high-belt note which is usually a high 'E' to an 'F' - actually managed to get it feeling pretty good- not too tense, and i think sounding pretty great - it's a hard note to belt & make sound pretty at all- I did similar work with I am what I am - always good to push those boundaries I find - take it up a step and then when we get back down, it feels so much easier - always.


Healthy Meal: 
Fave Breaky!!! Organic Cereal (low sugar with Omega 3's btw!), Almond milk & blueberries --- also a tall glass of water to start the day off hydrated!
a side note: the cereal has 9gr or protein/cup and almond milk 1gr protein
and now, GOOD NIGHT!!!!! I'm sleepy....

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