Saturday, May 7, 2011

Day 7: StrayDog Theatre Co (donations/good deed #1: like a girl scout)

Daily Practice:
Minutes: 30
Songs Worked On: The Wizard and I

warm up, memorization and clarification of notes in the song AND again with connecting that bottonm and top range - making those high notes ring :) hooray for singing!!!!

Good Deed #1:
In the wee hours of this morning, I help my friends new theatre company, StrayDog Theatre Co, clean up after their awesome fundraiser!  -sweeping, cleaning and carrying loads of equipment down a treacherous, long, flight of wet stairs... I felt like a girl scout it was funny - I was like (very chipper like) "hey guys, what else can I go for you?" I also donated to their company - We went to the Neighborhood Playhouse School of the Theatre together here in NYC and they are all phenomenal actors and great people.  Check out and 'like' StrayDog Theatre Co's Facebook Page:

They have a HILARIOUS video on Kickstarter that I highly recommend watching-

***If you are interested in donating to them and helping support their theatre festival they are hoping to produce, check out their Kickstarter - donate even $1! It all helps! and the catch with Kickstarter is they have to reach their goal or they will get nothing ---they've got just over $3000 left to raise in 20days so donate away friends!
StrayDog Theatre Co: Hamish, Scarlett & Sean, and myself with broom in tow, they were nice enough to pause the clean up for a photo op for this here blog - thanks guys and best of luck!!!! 

For such a clever video- surely you can spare them a few $$ in thanks for a few moments of great entertainment ---- and if they can do that, imagine what they can put on stage with funding~~~~

...& now for good deed #2,  I scour the streets for old ladies that need bags carried, doors opened or blind people that need help crossing the street --- does that count? btw, I have done all of those things in my day- up your seat on the train for a pregnant woman, child or elderly person? but u prolly have too- so I'll look for something more dramatic I suppose... hmmmm...

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