Hey Blogging World!
I'm accepting the challenge from BDC here in NY for the FULL-VOICE 30 DAY CHALLENGE! I'll be posting what I do every day for the challenge.
Here are the requirements:
1) 30mins-1hr of vocal practice/day
2) 25 health conscious meals
3) 20 dance classes @ BDC - this shud be easy - I love to dance! 5 classes/week!
4) 5 Charitable Deeds... hmm.. ideas?
5) 4 Singing Lessons
6) 2 Coaching Sessions
7) See 1 live vocal performance
8) 1 live vocal performance! -that means me! I'm working at booking a place for a cabaret! woo!
9) 1 Broadway/Commercial Vocal Audition
Everything has to be documented on this here blog, some with pics and videos
So there ya go! That's a full plate! I gotta admit - I am doing this after much hesitation - immediately when I saw it I was interested & wanted to do it- but I've been hesitating to COMMIT to it. I guess I'm scared I'll mess up, miss a day of practice or something and if you know me, you know I hate failing. So sometimes I will not do it at all rather than fail and disappoint. I know that's kinda a negative start - but anyway, that's part of the journey, cause the important part is that I committed. I also learn't a valuable lesson and saw that I have a habit of intense hesitation which takes a lot of energy and is pretty useless, so I'm working at ridding myself of that - gotta say, it can be scary at times. Does that have to do with wanting to stay "safe"? I wonder. ANWYAY I'm doing it. lol -and I'm stoked, this is going to be a challenge indeed- and it will be a big lifestyle change in a lot of ways - hopefully I can muscle my way through it!!!! Wish me luck!
Tomorrow it starts...